On January 14, 2019, Sheriff Noel E. Stephen presented a Just Us Citation to Blake Clance. Blake was nominated by Community Relations Deputy Jack Nash who stated, “Recently Blake was on his way home when he came upon a motorist stuck in a ditch in the rural outskirts of Okeechobee's northernmost section of the county. At almost 10:30 p.m., the area was dark, and this particular area had no street lights or stores for miles. Blake could have continued on home after a long day of work, most people do exactly that. Luckily Blake isn't most people, instead, he decided to stop and help. Turns out the driver of the car was an elderly man who stated he had been there for some time without anyone stopping. Blake pulled the car out of the ditch and the two parted ways. Blake’s sister, Taylor Clance followed the man for a short time. As Blake drove away he felt that something just didn't add up with the elderly man. Blake turned around and he and Taylor turned around and caught up to the driver and started following him. A few miles down the dark roadway the elderly man pulled over and stopped. Blake and Taylor each pulled over and went to speak with him. The elderly man seemed very confused and told Blake that he was lost and didn't know where he was or where he was going. Blake called the Okeechobee County Sheriff's Office and Deputy Buck Jolly arrived shortly afterward. Deputy Jolly's investigation brought to light that the elderly male had been reported by his family to authorities in Sarasota, Florida as a "Missing and Endangered Person".
Due to the actions of Blake and Taylor, the elderly man was eventually reunited with his family, safe and sound.”
(pictured (Blake and Taylor’s father)Dennis Clance, Taylor’s daughter Skylar Clance, Luna Estey, fiancé Breana Hull, Blake, Serenity Estey and Sheriff Stephen)