Meet Sergeant Jack Nash,
United States Marine Corps. Veteran and graduate of the FBI-LEEDA Trilogy Leadership Series & Master Public Information Officer Program, in 1994, his career started as a correctional officer. Since then, his career has taken him to courthouse security, community relations, uniformed road patrol, professional standards, training, and a front-line supervisor in each category.
He was appointed as Community Liaison by Sheriff Noel E. Stephen in 2014 and added Public Information Officer under that realm in 2021.
The Community Liaison position calls for someone to help produce the resources and be that link that bridges the caps from the community and needed services. We do this through partnerships nurtured through trust and collaboration throughout our community.
The P.I.O. is a tool for the Sheriff and the command staff to disseminate messages to the media and our community with real-time information on situations as they happen, always transparent with factual accounts as they take place while ensuring the overall safety of all. Alternatively, warn each other about trends in crime to prepare and prevent those crimes from taking root and victimizing our community members.
Sergeant Jack Nash can be reached at 863.763.3117 Ext 5018.
Public information in the Okeechobee County Sheriff's Office has been divided into two departments; the Records Clerk Department, and the Media Relations Department (Public Information Officer). The Records Clerk Department is headed by Eric Till, as assigned under the Administrative Division. Mr. Till is the "go-to person" when requesting copies of any documents originated, handled, and stored at the Okeechobee County Sheriff's Office. As per policy, any requests for documents will go through him, or his designee, and be reviewed for release.
Under the Florida Sunshine Law, there are many items of information that are not to be released to the general public. Mr. Till will scan the requested documents and determine if the document, or parts of the document, are to be withheld (redacted) from public view as required by law. In addition, Florida law allows a fee for any requests for public records. The Okeechobee County Sheriff's Office charges 15 cents per page plus an hourly rate of $15 an hour for lengthy research requests. All fees will be paid prior to receiving the requested information. It should be noted that the Okeechobee County Sheriff's Office, as a courtesy, will provide individual reports (investigations and arrest affidavits), free of charge, to persons involved in the report.
The Media Relations Department is headed by Sergeant Jack Nash. Their job is to inform the public of important information and events through their relationship with the media. They provide the media with important arrests, events, crime prevention tips, and any public information request made by the media. It is their goal to keep the citizenry well informed about current events, involving the Sheriff's Office, in our community.
Records clerk and Media Relations hours and on-call policy: The records clerk is assigned to work normal business hours, workdays Monday through Friday 8 to 4 PM, and is not subject to on-call or overtime requests. Any emergency request for documents should be forwarded to the on-duty road patrol lieutenant. Generally speaking as the Public Information Officer, I work Monday through Friday 8 to 5 PM but I am subject to call out for any great public emergency. Should the media have an immediate need for information at any time other than normal work hours or emergency, they should call the Sheriff's Office and ask to speak with the on-duty road patrol lieutenant. If the information needed is not an emergency, I ask that the request be submitted during normal business hours.
The Florida Sunshine Law and its exceptions
The Florida Sunshine Law is a very liberal public information law. Basically, all records maintained by a governmental agency are public records subject to release upon request. However, there are many exceptions when involving law enforcement. The following is a list of items exempt from public record release.
Active criminal investigation reports and evidence
Intelligence information
Surveillance methods
Some investigative procedures
Some victim information
Autopsy records
Confidential informants
Criminal histories
Some domestic violence information
911 calls
Some juvenile offender records
Inmate records
Medical records
It is our hope and desires to serve the community by keeping the citizens more informed. Our hope is that this information will better help the public fulfill their information needs.
Contact Information
Media Relations:
Corporal Jack Nash, Public Information Officer
Okeechobee County Sheriff's Office
504 NW 4th Street
Okeechobee, Florida 34972
(863) 763- 3117 Ext 5018.
Records Clerk:
Eric Jackson, Records Clerk
Okeechobee County Sheriff's Office
504 NW 4th Street
Okeechobee, Florida 34972
(863) 763- 3117