The Just-us Title Awards Program is an Okeechobee County Sheriff's Office-sponsored program where School Resource Deputies recognize school-aged youth for noteworthy achievements and contributions to their schools and community. The Just-Us program will present awards in various categories.
Nomination Criteria
Completed Just-Us Citation Nomination Application Form, plus at least one letter of support for the nomination. The nominator must not be a relative.
Nomination by any School Resource Deputy.
Youth recipients cannot have previously received a Just-Us Citation award in the same category from the same Deputy or nominator within the last three years.
The youth nominee does not have to live in Okeechobee County as long as the youth attends the Okeechobee School system. (BHR etc.)
The eligible age range of award recipients is K-12 years.
ALL nominated youth will receive the award at the discretion of the Okeechobee County Sheriff/Undersheriff or his/her designee.
Process for Nomination
Youth candidates may be brought to the attention of a School Resource Deputy by individuals, non-profit agencies, groups, and businesses.
Nomination forms can be obtained from any School Resource Deputy or downloaded here:
Nomination Form Download
The Nomination form can be printed and filled out by hand, or filled out on the computer and printed. To open this form on your computer, it is required to have Adobe Reader 7.0 or higher. You can download Adobe Reader free here:
Just-Us Citation Youth Recognition Award
Recognizes youth who have recorded noteworthy achievements in some line of endeavor. This award could also be conferred upon an individual who has achieved considerable progress in a particular line of endeavor, thus exhibiting the ability and commitment for personal change and growth. Such areas could include:
Making great personal strides
Overcoming personal or societal barriers
Demonstrating or possessing outstanding music, scholastic, art or sports acumen
Just-Us Citation Youth Community Enhancement Award
Recognizes youth who have made positive contributions to the community on a voluntary basis such as serving on a committee and other volunteer work with organizations and groups. All nominees must have provided a minimum of 75 hours of school or community services.
Reward Ribbon
Just-Us Citation Random Acts of Kindness Award
Recognizes youth within our community who have demonstrated an act of bravery, selflessness or notable deed for the betterment of another. The act may have occurred spontaneously or as part of a group. The act may have occurred locally, nationally or internationally. The act may have bettered the lives of humans or animals.
Just-Us Citation Outstanding Youth-Friendly Business Award
Recognizes a business that has performed an exceptional job in hiring or training youth, providing opportunities to youth, or providing funding for youth activities support could be for one or a number of youth.
Just-Us Citation Outstanding Supporter of Youth Award
Recognizes an adult mentor or service club in providing support and services to youth.
Just-Us Citation Outstanding Youth Team Award
Recognizes a group of youth who have completed a minimum of 50 hours per person of the community (or school) service resulting in a program or service of enhancement for their school or community.
Rewards will be determined by the Sheriff based up on the nominee's achievement. Rewards MAY include, but are not limited to:
iTunes Gift Cards
Local Restaurant Gift Cards
Local Business Gift Cards
and Other Gifts as Approved.
If you have any questions or would like to request more information about the Just-us Citation Program, please email schoolresource@okeesheriff.com