*When driving kids, deliver and pick them up as close to the school as possible. Don’t leave until they are in the schoolyard or building
*If your child bikes to school, make sure he/she wears a helmet that meets one of the safety standards (U.S., CPSC, Snell, ANSI, ASTM or Canadian). Research indicates that a helmet can reduce the risk of head injury by up to 85 percent
*Teach children to arrive at the bus stop early, stay out of the street, wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before approaching the street, watch for cars and avoid the driver’s blind spot
*Remind your children to stay seated at all times and keep their heads and arms inside the bus while riding. When exiting the bus, children should wait until the bus comes to a complete stop, exit from the front using the handrail to avoid falls and cross the street at least 10 feet (or 10 giant steps) in front of the bus
*Tell your child not to bend down in front of the bus to tie shoes or pick up objects, as the driver may not see him/her before starting to move
*Be sure that your child knows his or her home phone number and address, your work number, the number of another trusted adult and how to all 911 for emergencies.