
Senior Deputy Sheriff Adrian Rogers was presented the Safety Recognition award in the Click It or Ticket National Challenge.
What is the Click It or Ticket National Challenge?
It is an event sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) designed to encourage Law Enforcement Agencies to increase efforts in occupant protection enforcement and create awareness for safety belt usage within their communities. The goal is to reduce traffic crash fatalities and traffic crash injury severity by the increase of safety belt and child restraint usage.
Sheriff Noel E. Stephen stated, “Deputy Rogers exemplifies the type of Deputy I am blessed to lead. His area of expertise is traffic enforcement that has been near about extinguished during our economic down turn. I am attempting to rebuild that enforcement as I receive most of my complaints regarding speed on our roadways. Deputy Rogers has been the only designated traffic officer for quite some time and remains committed. I appreciate and am very proud for him being recognized and rewarded.”
Congratulations Adrian!
Michele Bell, PIO
(Pictured: Sr. D/S Rogers and FDOT Tom Arsenault)