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More Halloween Tips

Parents please take the time to look at these security tips and review with your child and teen to make sure they know what to do if put in a frightening situation if approached by a stranger.

  • a stranger is ANYONE they don't know.

  • it is okay to say NO to an adult, if they feel uncomfortable or don't know the adult, even if it seems rude.

  • to not wear any type of headphones while outside. This will make them oblivious to any vehicle or person stalking them.

  • they know that NO ONE has the right to touch them if they don’t want them too.

  • they should tell a parent if they are asked to keep a secret.

  • they should never get into anyone's car without their parent's permission.

  • they should not take candy or gifts from a stranger.

  • they should never help strangers. Remember, tell your children that grownups should NOT ask kids to do things that other adults can do for them.

  • they run away from a car that pulls up beside them if they do not know the driver.

  • they never say they are alone when they answer the phone and should never answer the door if they are alone.

  • they never invite people into their home without their parents’ permission.

  • they always let their parents know where they are.

  • that they never play in deserted buildings or isolated areas.

  • they should scream for help if they are forced into a car or building.

  • how to identify "safe" people (like store clerks, mothers with children, and police officers/security officers) if ever lost.

  • they always let you know where they are playing at a park or playground.

  • tell an adult if a stranger is taking a picture of you.

Parent’s Checklist:

  • I have a recent photo of my child, his/her fingerprints, and a current record of his/her height and weight.

  • I have my cellular phone charged up.

  • I make a mental note of what my child is wearing every day.

  • I carefully check babysitter and child care references.

  • I know my child’s friends’ names, addresses and phone numbers.

  • I always accompany my young child to a public bathroom.

  • I designated a neighbor’s home as a “safe house” where my child can go if I’m not home and there is an emergency.

  • I have discussed with my child that they will not approach a vehicle if it stops and asks them questions, offers them candy or toys, or wants to talk with them.

  • I will report suspicious vehicles or people to law enforcement.

  • Does my child know how to dial 911?

  • I have talked to my children about strangers.

  • I will not let my child walk home alone or stand alone at a bus stop without adequate supervision.

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