August 16, 2016
Nursing Director 863-462-5792
Okeechobee, Fla.
Complications from typical childhood diseases can be more severe in adults. Check with your healthcare provider and make sure you are up-to-date. Protecting ourselves is protecting our community!
The following vaccines are recommended for adults over 19 years of age:
Tetanus-Diptheria-Pertussis (Tdap) One dose of Tdap and Teatanus-diptheria (Td) booster every 10 years
Human Papillomavirus (HPV): 3 doses of HPV at age 11-26 years of age.
Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR): one dose of MMR for all adults born after 1956, if not received when younger or had history of diseases.
Varicella (VZV): two doses of VZV (chickenpox) vaccine for all adults if not received when younger or had history of disease
Pneumococcal: One dose of PPSV23 or PCV13 for all adults over 65 years of age and older or with certain chronic health conditions.
Herpes zoster (shingles): A single dose of shingles vaccine for adults aged 60 or older, regardless of whether they report a prior episode of herpes zoster (shingles).
Influenza: annual vaccination against seasonal influenza
The following are also recommended for some adults:
Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Meningococcal
Florida Department of Health, Immunization section, provides PC17 federally supplied vaccine for the un-insured and under-insured clients served at county health departments. Eligibility will be determined at the time of visit. Proof of income and insurance information is required for eligibility. Administration fees will be applied.
Florida Department of Health in Okeechobee offers the following adult vaccines:
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
*Human Papilloma Virus (HPV),
Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR),
*Tetanus, Diptheria and Pertussis (Tdap)
*Varicella (chickenpox),
(*PC17, federally supplied)
For more information, call 850-245-4342 or visit WWW.IMMUNIZEFLORIDA.ORG, or your local health department at 863-462-5767.
About the Florida Department of Health
The department, nationally accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board, works to protect, promote and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county and community efforts.
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