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For more information:

Nanette Schimpf, APR, CPRC

Public Relations Counsel

850-224-0174 - work

850-528-2639 - cell

For Immediate Release

Constitutional Officer Resource Experts (C.O.R.E.) Website Launches

Tallahassee, Fla. (September 26, 2017) – Representatives of Florida’s constitutionally-created offices, including Clerk of Court, Property Appraiser, Sheriff, and Tax Collector, today announced the launch of C.O.R.E., a united body promoting the importance of the vicennial revision process and serving as expert resources on role-related matters.

The Constitution Revision Commission (CRC) convenes every 20 years to review the Florida Constitution, accept proposals from the public, and place them on the November ballot for voter consideration. A proposal becomes law if it receives 60 percent voter approval.

The CRC is composed of 37 commissioners: The Governor appoints 15 members, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Senate President each pick nine members, three members are chosen by the Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court, and the Florida Attorney General is a member as well.

The C.O.R.E. website features a variety of educational resources including information about Florida’s Constitution, the CRC, and the important role of constitutional officers. Speaker requests for civic, community or school groups may be submitted through contact page.

“The Florida Sheriffs Association is proud to serve as Constitutional Officer Resource Experts to help guide the commission,” said FSA President and Sheriff Michael Adkinson of Walton County. “As the chief elected law enforcement officers in each county, sheriffs hold dear their role of guiding public safety and being part of the health and well-being of residents in every county. Our C.O.R.E. role is one we are proud of, as we best represent the needs of our communities.”

“Our roles as constitutional officers have existed for more than 170 years because the drafters of the Florida Constitution recognized how vitally important it was for us to remain independently elected officials,” said Ken Burke, CPA, Pinellas County Clerk and Comptroller. “The members of C.O.R.E. are uniquely qualified to offer our perspective on the revisions being considered, and we are proud to serve as resources on these important issues affecting all Floridians.”

“The Florida Association of Property Appraisers proudly stands with our fellow constitutional officers’ associations to serve and offer our professional and technical resources to the Constitution Revision Commission as it weighs the merits and objectives of proposals submitted for consideration before them,” said Mike Hickox, CFA, Nassau County Property Appraiser, President. “We are also committed to providing useful, factual information and educational resources to our citizens on issues that are under consideration to amend Florida’s Constitution.”

Sharon Jordan, President of the Florida Tax Collectors Association, said, “My colleagues and I value so much the time, talents and dedication of the Constitution Revision Commissioners as the Commission undertakes the monumental task of reviewing our state Constitution. FTCA desires to be a valued resource to the CRC and to Florida’s citizens. Knowledge is power and we are so excited to work hand in hand with our fellow state-constitution officers to provide useful information about our role under the Constitution in serving Florida’s citizens.”

Video Resources:

Walton County Sheriff Michael Adkinson, President of FSA, discussing C.O.R.E.

Lee County Tax Collector Larry Hart talking about the role of C.O.R.E. and the revision of the Constitution

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About C.O.R.E. Composed of four of Florida’s constitutionally-mandated offices including Sheriff, Clerk of Court, Tax Collector and Property Appraiser, C.O.R.E. works as a united body to promote the importance of the vicennial constitutional revision process and serve as a resource on role-related matters. For more information or to request a speaker, visit

Nanette Schimpf, APR, CPRC | Vice President t: 850.224.0174 | c: 850.528.2639 Moore Communications Group |

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