Sunsets are a reminder that we should enjoy the simple things in life... Have a terrific Tuesday! Michele Bell, PIO
Governor Scott Issues Proclamation for Florida First Responder Appreciation Week
MIAMI LAKES, Fla. – Today, Governor Rick Scott issued a proclamation recognizing January 22-26 as Florida First Responder Appreciation...

Thankful for: For all the colors of the world that make like so much brighter than it would be otherwise. Have a wonderful day! Michele...

Thought for today
Thought for today: The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places… Have a great weekend! Michele Bell, PIO

Impossible ?
The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible… Stay warm. Have a great day! Michele...

Picturesque morning...
It’s a picturesque morning… Enjoy your day! Michele Bell, PI

Those who say it can’t be done should not interrupt the ones doing it… It’s a beautiful Tuesday, get out and enjoy it! Michele Bell, PIO